How To Ask God To Reveal Things To You

God has already laid a precedent for us in the scriptures in that He said, there’s nothing covered underneath the earth that won’t be revealed (Luke 12: 2)...

What Is A Prayer Chain?

Prayer is one potential source of solace and comfort. Groups can band together to pray until something happens — an act known as forming or participating in a...

Do our loved ones in heaven pray for us?

There is nowhere in the Bible which indicates that praying for the dead was approved by God. It is a false doctrine propagated by men. This is why it is so important to...

Prayers For Getting Closer To God

Do you feel far from God sometimes? Then you might wonder if there are prayers for getting closer to God. We might feel far from God during seasons of change or...

How To Tell If A Dream Is From God

Are you ever unsure if the dreams and visions you experience are from God or not? Perhaps you have seen a certain symbol, heard a voice or had a vision that felt...

Prayer For Feeling Overwhelmed

Feeling overwhelmed can be quite difficult to get over, especially if you also suffer from anxiety and you’re prone to panic attacks. However, you can find peace in God...

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