One of the top principles in life is sowing seeds. This concept simply means that if we give something, we’ll also receive something in return. We can reap much bigger when we plant something in the right conditions. Seed sowing is an integral part of Christianity and is mentioned multiple times in the Bible. So, if you’re wondering what the Bible means by ‘sow your seed in the morning,’ you’re not alone.
This article will explore what it means to sow your seed in the morning and what happens when you sow it in the morning. By understanding why it’s important to sow seeds as a Christian, you can put this faith into practice and begin to see great results from the act. On that note, let’s dive in.
What Does It Mean to Sow Your Seed in the Morning?
When you sow a seed, you will always reap a harvest. This is a spiritual truth as much as it is a practical one. The principle is the same spiritually and physically; you’ll only get as much out of a harvest as you put in.
Sowing your seed in the morning means sowing your seed while there is still time and when you still have enough seeds.
When you invest, you’re planting a seed, but if you’re waiting till the last minute to sow a seed, you might not get the chance. Sowing seeds properly have a multiplying effect, and if you understand this concept and apply it to your life quite early, then you will be able to reap it abundantly.
The morning is when we are energetic and optimistic; the morning also refers to when our faith is strongest. Therefore, by sowing your seeds in the morning, we’re sowing seeds at the best time, and we can reap a bountiful harvest early.
What Happens When You Sow a Seed to God?
Everything in life starts with a seed, including the blessings we receive by faith. In Genesis 8:22, God says, ‘While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest shall not seize.’
This means that the eternal law of harvest and seedtime, giving and receiving, won’t change as long as the earth remains. When we sow a seed to God, we put our faith in His hands and give Him something to work with.
Therefore, He will send the miracles we need. No matter how small our faith seems, it will meet our needs and solve problems that appear impossible to solve.
When we sow seeds to God, we do it expecting God to bless us. However, God is also faithful to His promise and will reward you for your obedience, especially if you’re sowing the seed for the right purpose and you back it up with prayers.
They That Sow in Tears Shall Reap in Joy – How?
Psalm 126:5 states that they that sow in tears shall reap in joy, and it isn’t always clear what this means.
Living a life that revolves around Christ isn’t always glamorous as it is sometimes portrayed in the movies. Sometimes it is downright turbulent, and temptations rear their ugly head all around, causing problems for us and those we love.
However, Jesus promises that although it might be tough, we will overcome the tribulations if we trust Him and follow His guidance.
This doesn’t mean there’s no joy when we serve the Lord. Instead, this verse tells us that we should look beyond the tears we shed today and the struggles that we face. If we sow a seed to God through our tears, they will be like seeds planted in a field, and eventually, it will result in a great harvest of joy.
Sowing a seed through our tears builds up our faith in ways we can’t imagine, and as our seed germinates and takes root, it will transform our hearts to seek the kingdom more. The harvest will restore our hope, and although weeping may endure for the night, joy will definitely come in the morning with the harvest.

Cast Your Bread Upon the Water Meaning
Ecclesiastes 11:1 says Cast your bread upon waters, for you will find it after many days.
There have been many interpretations of this Bible verse over the years. One such meaning of the phrase ‘cast your bread upon the waters’ is to be generous even if a return seems unlikely.
These means be generous, and someday you will be rewarded. Galatians 6:9 backs this up with the statement, ‘Let us not become weary in doing good for at the proper time, we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.’
It could also be interpreted to mean continue sowing your seed to God even if the harvest doesn’t seem to be coming soon.
This is because casting bread on the water practically looks like a futile effort. No one knows exactly what the result will be. However, God asks us to continue casting our bread upon the water and have faith that there will be a return along the way.
This is in line with Proverbs 11:8, which says that the one who sows righteousness shall reap a sure reward. The Bible verse as a whole communicates the principle of sowing your seed with faith in God while knowing that the result is in God’s hand and He will come through for you.
What Is the Difference Between Sowing a Seed and Tithing?
Many people confuse sowing a seed for tithing. However, they’re very different in many ways. In essence, tithing is saying, ‘God, thank you for what you gave me, and I want to give 10% back to you as gratitude.’ It’s an aftereffect of God’s blessing.
On the other hand, sowing a seed is done before you receive God’s blessing and aims for a future effect. It’s like saying, ‘God, thank you for what I am about to receive, and before I receive it, I acknowledge its presence with this token.’
Tithing is giving to God from what you have received and is under the law a bit. When you tithe, an abundant supply comes to you in many ways.
On the other hand, sowing a seed comes under grace, and there’s no limit to how it can come back to you. It can come in a hundredfold increase. It is like going to the field and planting a seed; you have no idea how the harvest will turn out, but you put in the effort.
When your seed eventually bears fruit, and you enjoy the prosperity of the harvest, you then show God gratitude for the harvest by tithing.
The Bible continually tells us about the importance of seed sowing throughout the Bible. It is an act of faith, sacrifice, and love displayed in different parts of the Bible. As Christians, we are called to sow seed even when we don’t know how or when the harvest will be. We just have to trust God that we will reap the benefits of the seed sowing in a bountiful harvest.