Do you ever feel like you’re stumbling around in life, without knowing what the Lord truly wants for your future? While ultimately, the choices are yours to make each and every day, there are certain paths that God encourages us all to take. Bible quotes, personal experience and advice from church leaders have helped guide me on my own journey of faith — and I want to share them with you today!
In this blog post, I’ll be exploring 10 things God wants you to do in order to live a fulfilling life. From being thankful for His blessings and doing good works in His name until living out Biblical principles on a daily basis; these recommendations will help bring more joy into our lives as we seek after serving Him.
Table of Contents
What are these 10 Things God Wants You To Do?
God is the one who created you, and He didn’t just create you to fill and dwell on earth alone, He created you for a purpose. And doing what God wants you to do is following the path of fulfilling your purpose. Here are 10 things God wants you to do. He wants you to;
1. Set your affections on things above
Jesus, while on earth, prayed for his disciples and those who were to believe in him after his work was done. He said in John 17:16, They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. You must recognize the fact that your citizenship now that you’ve received the life of Christ is in heaven (above) where God is.
2. Seek His kingdom and Righteousness first
Most people are so keen to pursue their desire and personal satisfaction, neglecting that of God who saved them. Jesus Christ instructed His disciples not to be like the Gentiles, who are always after their gain – looking for clothes, food, a place to stay and many more. Although these are essential for human upkeep on earth. But don’t be too materialistic, put God first.
3. Forgive when you’re offended
It is impossible to not be offended in your relationship with people. They will one way or the other make you angry or hurt. However, you shouldn’t dwell so much on the pain and give room for grudges in your heart. You must learn to forgive at all times, even as God through Christ has forgiven you. (Ephesians 4: 32)
4. Love your neighbor as yourself
The compendium of the law says in Galatians 5:14, “Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.” Love is your nature as a child of God, and you must learn to walk in love as God is love.
5. Study His word
The Bible is God’s love message to you. God wants you to always study his word. And it is through his word that you know his plans and intentions for your life. (2 Timothy 2: 15)
6. Pray always
A prayer is an act of communicating with divinity. It is through prayer that you speak with God. God wants to have a close relationship with you, and it is through frequent contact that you can build intimacy with him.
Have you read When God Wants You to Move He Makes You Uncomfortable?

7. Preach the gospel
Salvation is God’s plan for the world. He wants everyone saved. And it is through the preaching of the gospel that a man can be saved. And God has committed to your hands the responsibility to go to the world with this message to get the unbelievers saved. (Matthew 28: 19-20; 2 Corinthians 5: 18-20)
8. Serve in the local church
The church is the gathering of the called-out ones, the saints who have believed in the gospel. It is a place for growing up spiritually through the learning of God’s Word and prayer. And it is a man that God uses to build another man up and set things in another. So, God wants you to be available for use to serve in the church.
9. Live a separate life.
God has separated you from sin and its nature when you received the gospel. Therefore, He wants you to live your life far from sin and its appearance. Stay godly in an ungodly world. (Titus 2: 12-13)
10. Help the needy
God wants you to care for those who don’t have. He desires to see people living in health and prosperity. And He has blessed you to be able to bless others. Do not withdraw your care from those whom you can help.
How do we know what God wants us to do?
The Bible says in Hosea 4: 6, “My people perish because of lack of knowledge”. This is an important statement because when you don’t know something, you can’t do it. That’s why I’ll be showing you how to know what God wants you to do. Here are 3 things you can do to know.
- Build a relationship with God’s Spirit (John 16:13)
- Acquaint yourself with the Word of God (Psalm 119: 105)
- Fellowship with other believers (Ephesians 4: 11)
Does God force us to do things?
No, God doesn’t force anything on man. However, when He created you, He gave you the right to choose whatever you desire. He didn’t create you a robot to be controlled. He allows you to decide what you please. Nevertheless, God desires that you will make your choices to be in line with His plans and desire for your life.
Above are the things God wants you to do. Remember, doing those things is equivalent to you fulfilling God’s purpose for creating you. Do these today, and be a step closer to God.