“God is not the author of confusion, but of peace…” was the phrase Apostle Paul used to address the contending issue with the believers at Corinth in 1 Corinthians 14:33. The contextual story of this book of the Bible gave us an idea of what the issue was all about. They misapplied spiritual gifts, speaking in tongues and prophesying when they gathered.
In this article, I’ll highlight why we all should be wary of the devil who orchestrates confusion. Grab a glass of juice and read on.
Why is Satan the author of confusion?
It is known that everything that exists, whether concretely or abstractly, has a source. That there’s confusion means that there’s a source to it.
And from the passage read, we’ve observed that confusion is not of God.
Satan is the source and author of it. He constantly looks for a way to creep into people’s hearts and midst and deceive them into believing in lies instead of the truth (2 Corinthians 4: 3-4). His primary purpose is to “kill, steal and destroy (John 10: 10).”
He never thrives amid united people.
Paul gave an example using a pipe and harp as an example to explain further the essence of these gifts and their uses in the church of God. He said that “it is impossible to understand what is being piped or harped if there are no distinctions in the sounds.
And that a soldier won’t know whether to prepare for battle or not if an uncertain trumpet sound was sound (1 Corinthians 14: 7-9).”
Therefore, for there to be orderliness in the church and as regards the use of these gifts, there must be an interpreter present in the church, someone who can translate tongues (verses 13 and 27).
He also talked about not being rowdy with the delivery of the prophecy, that they are to give one another room to speak. No two people must speak at the same time.
He also said that “the spirit of the prophet is subject to the prophet.” That’s to say that the spirit of God won’t push you like an evil spirit; you have the liberty to express the spirit at will (1 Corinthians 14: 26-32).
What does it mean that God is not the author of confusion?
The word author of confusion is derived from the Greek word “Akatastasia,” which means “instability, a state of disorder, disturbance, or commotion.”
This is contrary to the nature of God as revealed to us by Christ Jesus. The Bible made us know that “God is light and in him, there’s no darkness at all” (1 John 1: 5). There is no obscurity in God. He always leaves no stone unturned – clarity all the way!
But when it comes to darkness, it leaves room for confusion and obscurity. There’ll undoubtedly be disorderliness and chaos.

Therefore, when Apostle Paul said that God is not an author of confusion but of peace, he was referring to God as one whose nature reflects orderliness and uniformity in all his dealings.
If you read Acts of the Apostles, you’ll see several places where the Bible recorded that the disciples of Jesus were gathered to fellowship in one accord – unity (Acts 4: 24, Acts 7: 57, Acts 15: 25, Acts 18: 12, also in Philippians 2: 2).
Hence, God only encourages oneness and doesn’t leave men with uncertainties. And if you read the book of Psalms 71: 1, king David was praying to God never to put him confused.
If God were to be the author of confusion, that would have been a wrong prayer to pray. God is a God of peace, unity, and love, and this will never change.
What Bible verse talks about confusion?
Here are Bible verses from both the New Testament and the Old Testament that talks about confusion;
- 1 Corinthians 14: 33.
- Psalms 71:1
- Psalms 109: 29
- Acts 19: 29
- Job 10: 15
- Psalms 70: 2
- Isaiah 34: 11
- Isaiah 41: 29
- Leviticus 18: 23
- 1 Samuel 20: 30
- Leviticus 20: 12
What are some characteristics of the spirit of confusion?
Whenever the spirit of confusion is at work, here are the things you are going to see manifested
- People will be drawn far away from the truth (2 Corinthians 4: 3-4)
- There’ll be a heightened level of ignorance.
- Growth becomes difficult to achieve.
- People are hindered from getting saved
- There is chaos and instability in that environment, and so on.
How do I move from confusion to clarity?
This is simple. Jesus said in John 8: 12, “he that follows him shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” To follow here means to be part of Jesus’ disciple, to learn from him as master.
We’ve been given the Holy Spirit to guide us unto all truth. Hence, to move from confusion to clarity, we must learn and be ready to submit to the leading of God’s Spirit at all times.
Satan is the one who confuses, not God. He always blinds people with falsehood, both in doctrines and religion. He always shrouds the truth in lies, but God has come to give us peace and clarity amid obscurity.