God has been good to us; to show this, he gave us the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ, to guide us. In turn, Jesus also gave shepherds to watch over and encourage his flock till he returned. Pastors work very hard. In addition to church services and prayer meetings, they’re usually called upon to do other things like visitation, counseling, ministering to families, and more.
When it comes to honoring the work of our ministers, pastors, and spiritual leaders in the church, we as Christians have an incredible opportunity to lift them up in prayer.
But praying wisely can be tricky; often times, we’re not sure what kinds of prayers would be most meaningful or impactful.
So if you want to intercede more effectively on behalf of your spiritual leader and show your appreciation for their ministry through prayer—you are in the right place!
In this article, we’ll explore what you can pray for your pastor and the different prayers that will immensely impact your pastor’s life.
How Do You Pray for The Men of God in your life?
There’s no special masterclass for praying for the men of God in your life. You should set aside a part of your daily prayer schedule to pray for them. Constantly praying five to ten minutes each day for them can be very helpful. No wonder the bible said in James 5:16, that effective fervent prayers avail much.
What Can I Pray for My Pastor?
Pastoral ministry is a sacred task with the souls of people at stake, and it can be very hard, but rewarding work although God ultimately sustains His servants.
If you’re wondering what you can pray for your pastor, you can start by
1. Praying for the grace to run the race and finish well.
In 1 Peter 4:17, the bible hints that the judgement of God will start from the church. A lot of pastors have left the way unknowingly although they still lead the church. They are, in essence, running the race but out of track. Pray for your pastor not to go out of track, but that they may finish well and be crowned for finishing well.
2. Prayers for the pastor’s family.
Pastors also have families; you can pray for your pastor’s family. Pastors aren’t superhumans and usually are husbands and fathers. This means they need prayers so that the demands of their pastoral ministry don’t eclipse these other roles.
3. Prayers for protection.
While it’s true that God provides protection for his servants, it shouldn’t stop us from praying for protection for our pastors. Some weeks ago, I stumbled across a video on Facebook of a priest that was saved by divine intervention from an accident on his way to church for a mass. Pastors are constantly under attack physically and spiritually, so do well to pray for divine protection over them and their families.
4. Prayer for resources
To effectively preach the gospel, you need resources. You should pray for God to make available the resources so that the pastor’s won’t have an excuse not to execute the assignment God has given them. These resources aren’t restricted to finances, the right dedicated manpower too is important.

Why You Should Pray for Your Pastor
God has called some people to lead his sheep, and you must pray for your pastor because of this. It’s so easy to think because of the position men of God hold; they do not require prayer. In fact, there’s a common misconception that pastors do not have their trials and tribulations to deal with.
However, the calling to pastoral ministry makes pastors even more vulnerable and susceptible to temptation and burnout. That’s why as believers, we need to intercede on behalf of our leaders and cover them with prayer. While we are watchful with them, we must also be watchful of them.
Pastors might give much of themselves to the church and sometimes give up their time outside the church to mentor members. There is a unique grace that pastors have received to care for God’s children. It can be a heavy burden, even though it has extensive benefits.
Therefore, we should pray for our pastors consistently and cover them with the grace of God. We’re unaware of the battles they fight most time, as pastors don’t always share what they go through. Therefore, let’s pray for their grace and strength whenever we can.
Types of Prayers for Pastors with Examples
Pastors need prayer every single day. Below are some types of prayers you can pray for pastors. With these types of prayers, you can frequently begin a pattern of lifting your pastor to the Lord.
1. Prayers for the Pastor’s Strength
Pastors are continually working. Apart from preaching, they have to counsel members who need guidance. There’s also visitation, interceding for members and their other roles as spouses and parents. That’s why you should pray for your pastor’s strength.
Below is an example of prayers you can make for your pastor’s strength:
Dear God, my pastor is on the front line; an easy target for the enemy. As they continue to preach the Word and intercede for the flock, empower them, o Lord. Give them the strength to proclaim the truth of Your Word continually. Do not let them grow weary of their role but provide them with grace upon grace. I thank you in advance for what you will do in my pastor’s life today, in Jesus’ name (Amen).
2. Prayers for Pastors Before Service/Sermon
The day of worship is also a work day for pastors. They will continue to labor in the Word and point people to the Lord. Therefore, you should pray that the Lord does his will through them, and they would be bold to glorify God through His words. Pray that God would help your pastor preach and pray as they should.
Below is an example of prayer for the pastor before the sermon.
Dear God, thank you for my pastor, guiding him, and caring for him. Thank you for his wisdom and the Word of truth he consistently reveals from the Bible. Also, thank you for his faith and his passion for your service. Lord, I pray that you come and be his shepherd today. Protect your servant and minister to his heart so he can minister to us too. Be his anchor today and lift his eyes to see the beauty of Your kingdom. Let his feet rest secured on Your foundation and fill his heart with Your goodness and eternal truth (Amen).
3. Blessing Prayer for the Pastor
Just like we do, your pastor also needs blessings from the Lord. They can also bless us through God’s words when they are blessed. If you’re wondering how to pray for your pastor’s blessings,
check out the example below.
Dear Father, thank you for my pastor and the love you put in his heart for You and Your people. I thank you for the gift and talents you have given him to enrich his ministry and bless our church. Please, bless him today and let him sweetly sense your presence. Fill him up with your grace and use him for Your glory today. Give my pastor the desires of his heart and let all his plants succeed today. Let your favor rest upon my pastor today and establish the works of His hands. Thank you, o Lord, for Your work in his life, in Jesus’ name (Amen).

4. Prayer for Healing for My Pastor
The demands of a ministry life sometimes prevent pastors from having a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, you should pray for protection from diseases and sicknesses for your pastor. In addition, pray that they can take good physical care of themselves and have the physical strength and stamina to go through ministry seasons.
Below is an example of a prayer of healing for your pastor.
God, please give my pastor supernatural strength to battle illnesses and diseases. Protect him from sickness and give him the energy to continue serving You daily. Comfort him when he is sick and ease his suffering. There is no healing too hard for the Lord if it is His will, so we pray that you renew the pastor’s strength and heal him of what ails him. Thank you, Lord.
5. Prayer for Financial Enlargement
Many pastors today are over-committed and underpaid. However, they make this sacrifice for the advancement of the Gospel. Pastors continue to serve God even when funds are tight, but the Bible says in 1 Timothy 5:18, ‘The worker deserves his wages.’
Check out this example of prayer for financial enlargement for your pastor below.
Dear Lord Jesus, please give my pastor the strength to persevere during hard times. Let him cast all his cares upon You. I declare financial enlargement for him in ways no one else can provide. I trust you, o Lord, to bless him and enlarge his territory. Bless him financially so that he can be a blessing to others in Jesus’ name (Amen).
There are various ways you can show your love and appreciation to your pastor, such as through prayers. Continually pray for your pastors and allow the Lord to work through you to care for your pastor. By simply praying for your pastor, you have helped advance the cause of Christ in your church. Although these are not the only available prayers for your pastors, they represent a great start.