Someone approached me not long ago and asked me, “what does the bible say about going to church?” I shared with him deep insights about going to church. In all honesty...
In the book of 1 Thess 5:17, Paul gave the Thessalonians a crucial instruction – pray without ceasing. He gave this instruction to them because of the inherent benefits...
Is sowing of financial seeds biblical? This question is on the minds of so many people, believers, and unbelievers. And there is no easy answer. Some argue that giving...
What does it mean to guard your heart as a Christian? This question has been asked throughout the ages, and it remains relevant today. Christianity teaches that our...
Jesus said in Matt. 15:11 that it is not what enters into a man that defiles him; rather, it’s what comes out of the man’s mouth that makes the man unclean...
Are you tired of being held back by the chains of your ancestors? Do you feel like you’ve been trying to break free for years with no success? Well, today is your...