Spiritual Warfare Prayers for Lost Souls

Spiritual Warfare Prayers for Lost Souls image

A lost soul is one that has not received the salvation God offers them through Jesus Christ. The individual in question may still be living in sin and ignorant of the gravity of their indecision. Once you understand who the lost souls are, you’ll see the importance of spiritual warfare prayers for them.

Prayer is a powerful weapon you can use to pray for their salvation. In this blog post, we’ll explore prayers you can pray for lost and unsaved souls; let’s begin.

Here’s a short story about an experience I had a couple of years ago. Because of a change in environment, I became friends with someone who hadn’t attended church for a long time. He’d turn it down whenever I invited him to a church service.

He was a great, friendly, humble, built physically, and easy-going guy. Instead of nagging him incessantly, I began to pray for God to arrest his attention at least and cause him to go to church.

Well, guess what?

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Yes, he did attend church eventually, but that was a couple of months after I left that location back to my base. And God used a girl he was intensely interested in to take him to church. And he didn’t just go once; he went to church several times before leaving that environment.

Cool? Let’s find out how to pray for unsaved souls.

How Do You Pray for Unsaved Souls?

To pray for lost souls, you must first understand that the minds of men are blinded, and they cannot. This is established clearly in 2 Cor. 4:4. So, one of the first prayer points you should pray is to ask God to remove the veil that covers the people’s minds.

When this veil is removed, the light of God can shine upon them.

Accepting Christ into your heart and accepting His gift of salvation is the best decision anyone can make. Therefore, it can be heartbreaking when your loved one is unsaved. When you can’t find the words to say, below is how to pray for unsaved souls.

  1. Ask God to Use You as a Vessel: Since you’re saved and know the joy that comes with being saved and living in Christ, ask God to use you as a vessel to bring unsaved souls to Him. As a vessel of God, when you preach the gospel, the unsaved souls can turn to God and become a part of God’s big family.
  2.  Ask God to Heal Their Hurt: Today, most people turn against the gospel because they’re hurting on the inside. Some people rebel against God because they believe He is behind their pain. Therefore, you should pray that God heals their hearts so they can find their way back home.
  3.  Ask God to Soften Their Hearts: Sometimes, when you preach the gospel, your unsaved loved ones do not hear you because their heart is hardened. When they are caught up in the world of the sun, it can be challenging to understand the price Christ has paid for them on the cross. Therefore, pray that God softens their heart so they can accept the gift of His forgiveness and seek His kingdom.
  4.  Pray for God’s Grace in Their Lives: When you pray for unsaved souls, ask for God’s grace in their life. Most times, they’re tied up in the devil’s bondage and, therefore, cannot experience the life-changing intimacy that comes with being in Christ. With God’s grace, they can overcome their desire for worldly pleasure and see how good God is.
  5.  Pray the Repentance Prayer with Them: One of the ways you can pray for an unsaved soul is to pray with them. Pray the repentance prayer with them, asking God to open their hearts. Help them surrender their lives to God through prayer and be assured that God has forgiven them their sins. 

What Are the Spiritual Warfare Prayers to Pray for Lost Souls?

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Since we are saved, our mission is to win souls for Christ. You don’t have to be a preacher before you can pray spiritual warfare prayers for lost souls. Below are prayers you can pray for a lost soul.

  1. Heavenly Father, I bring _________ before you. Clearly, Satan is binding them in darkness, and they’re in a situation where they cannot come to you for salvation on their own. Let the Holy Spirit guide me as I pray in power and understanding for them, in Jesus’ name.
  2.  Oh God, I ask you to lose _____ from the bondage the forces of darkness have placed them. I plead the blood of Jesus to bind the powers of darkness destroying their life. Bind the powers seeking to bind them from the Grace of God. Let the power of Christ’s crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension destroy all forces of darkness in their lives. 
  3.  Heavenly Father, open their eyes of understanding and remove every spiritual deafness from their heart. I plead your mercy over their rebellious sins, oh God, bring them to obedient service of your call. Thank you for your answer, and be glorified through their salvation, In Jesus’ name, Amen.
  4.  Thank you for your mercy, Father. Thank you because your mercy saves me, be exalted forever in Jesus’ name. Father, I pray according to your words in Acts 26:18 today, open the eyes of _________, let them turn from darkness to light and from Satan’s power to you. Unblock and soften their heart, oh God. Cast out every evil spirit leading them to sin, and break the yolk of sin in their lives. Cast out the spirit of addiction in them and give them a clean heart to serve you. Break every covenant holding them back from your service and destroy every evil altar claiming their soul by your fire, in Jesus’ name. 
  5.  Oh God, let your light shine on them so they can experience your might power in every area of their lives. Cancel the devil’s plans on their soul and save them from destruction. Lord, clear the past that is speaking against them with the blood of Jesus Christ, and let your light shine upon them. Let the Holy Spirit intercede on their behalf and set them free. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Bible Verse About Saving Souls

The Bible provides us with guidance about saving souls and their importance. Below are some verses that speak on saving souls if you need inspiration.

  1. James 5:20
  2.  1 John 1:9
  3.  John 14:6
  4.  Luke 15:4
  5.  Mark 16:16
  6.  Revelation 3:20
  7.  Ezekiel 36:25-27


Your prayers can save a lost soul from the kingdom of darkness. Therefore, if you’re not interceding for your unsaved friend or loved one, you should start now. Believers have no other mission on earth than to save souls for Christ. These spiritual warfare prayers for lost souls should set you on the right path.

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